Had a medical check-up recently? If you had, you know how empowering it is to know the true state of your health. You get to see where you’re doing great, and where you need to improve yourself.
People should do the same for their mental health, as the state of your mind has a great deal of influence over your day-to-day well-being. Below, we’ll mention a few things you should evaluate with respect to your mental health.
Have you been losing interest in things that give you joy?
In the past, life had always seemed to be a fun ride for you, but lately, you’ve been struggling to even get out of bed in the morning. Things that had always given you joy, like shooting hoops in the park, going for long bike rides, and hanging out with friends at your favorite neighborhood restaurant just don’t seem to do it for you anymore.
It’s like you are sinking into a whirlpool, and no amount of struggling will help you break free of the current. It’s at times like this that you (1) need to understand that sometimes you can’t do it on your own and (2) it’s not you, but an illness of the mind that often needs professional intervention to resolve the issue.
Don’t do something you and your loved ones will regret forever; instead, reach for the phone and call up a treatment center like Balboa Horizons.
This facility has experts on depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, and other disorders of the mind on their staff, meaning that whatever is plaguing you, there will be someone there that will be able to through you a tow rope to help pull you out of the undertow that’s been dragging down your spirit for so long.
Do you find yourself easily triggered into an angry state lately?
It seems that people are on edge more than ever these days, as it doesn’t take much to send people off the deep end into an angry tirade. Despite how entitled some people feel to be outraged, the fact is that there are profound real-world consequences for those that cannot control their temper.
From compromised relationships to job loss, those that cannot bite their tongue in certain social situations have much to lose.
By learning coping strategies such as mindset shifting paradigms such as, “will this matter in a year?” to uncovering specific triggers for anger so that exposure to them can be avoided or minimized, you can greatly the reduce the damage that uncontrolled anger can inflict on your life.
Feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders?
With heightened educational requirements and costs, an increasingly competitive economic landscape, and a sharpening in global tensions, its easy to feel stressed these days. Left unchecked, these pressures can paralyze a person’s life, leading to a reduction in productivity, life satisfaction, and a potential backslide into a depressive mindset.
When it comes to stress, it’s important to draw the line between stressors that one can personally effect, and those that are out of their control. When it comes to the US presidential election, for example, all one can do is vote for the person they feel is best, and leave it at that. Everything else is out of their hands.
On the other hand, there is much one can do about their work life, from looking at ways to prioritize projects, to taking stress-busting exercise breaks. By taking a 30,000-foot view of the factors at play in your life and knowing what you can and cannot do, you will deflate the sense of dread that gives undefined stress power over your well-being.